Insurance Company Name                                    Toll-free                                 Pay online

Traders Insurance Company                                 1-866-207-9392                

(or pay at Wal-Mart/MoneyGram

with Traders code 7654

First Chicago Insurance Company                       1-877-407-0220                (Internet Explorer only)

Progressive                                                                 1-800-876-5581            

Dairyland Auto & Cycle Insurance Company    1-800-334-0090  (auto)

                                                                                       1-800-526-4252  (cycle)        (Web site for auto and cycle payments)

Visit the Insurance Company website to make an online payment. 

Select your Insurance Company below.

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For a free quote call: 316-260-1704

You must have your policy number to make a payment.

Policy number is located on your billing and insurance cards.